Fence with rust

Corroted fence due to too much strech in the metal.

Apply Ferro-Bet Rust Away with low pressure. The product reacts in about 10 seconds.

White foam, consisting of zinc and rust, appears. When rinsed off with water, the surface is left with protective zinc layer.

Very efficient and a method approved by the zinc specialist DuoZink AS.


Performed by Jan Bølhum
Consultant Jan Magne Andreassen
Challenge Rust on iron fence
Product Ferro-Bet Rust Remover
Approved by Jan Bølhum
Photo Jan Magne Andreassen

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Krefting & CO AS | Adr: Ringeriksveien 164, 1339 Vøyenenga - P.O. Box 14 - NO-1314 Vøyenenga, Norway | Tlf: 67 52 60 85 | Epost: